Establishing a framework for cybersecurity of networks and IT systems in the civilian national cyberspace
The Emergency Ordinance establishing a framework for cybersecurity of networks and IT systems in the civilian national cyberspace (the “Ordinance”) was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No. 1332 of 31 December 2024.
The legislative act entered into force on the same date, with the exception of a small number of provisions which entered into force after the publication of the Ordinance in the Official Journal of Romania.
The Ordinance imposes a number of new cybersecurity rules on important and critical activity sectors, incident reporting and management mechanisms and a number of sanctions for non-compliance with the obligations set out in such legislative act.
The purpose of the Ordinance is to reduce the online activity of cyber actors that expose the infrastructure to numerous risks (such as hacker groups or hostile entities) and to increase technological interdependence (5G networks, artificial intelligence).
Relevant highlights:
• Terminology;
• Activity sectors where compliance with cybersecurity rules is mandatory;
• Scope. Classification of entities relevant to…
24 Feb • PDF